Monday, April 4, 2022

Who is Sylvia? (Or The Life of Zilpha Eddins)

Lately my DNA matches have shown lots of connections to the Blakely family of Lexington/Orangeburg, South Carolina. Which brings me to fifth great-grandmother Zilpha Eddins, whose maiden name was "Blakely." I think. The purpose of this entry is to jot down all Zilpha's provable data to see if I can break the wall down any further.

Researcher Bob Eddings wrote that Zilpha had eleven children rather than nine. Zilpha's 1828 ad (more on that in a bit) names nine: Elizabeth, Blakely,  John S., Fereby, Anna Obedience, William D., James A., Mary, and Martha. Ephraim is #10, but he died in Pulaski County, GA, in 1826 and according to Bob, apparently had no heirs. Thus no mention in Zilpha's ad. I have as yet not found the last child, if it existed. (Could be Roof or Shull or Odom, but in this post I shall stick to evidence that can be reproduced).

Let's start with what the 1790 Census can tell us and then move chronologically through her life as suggested by the various sources cited. 

• In the 1790 US census for SC, John Edings is living in Orangeburgh District. There is one male 16 + (John), three males under 16 (Blakely, John S. & Ephraim), and six free white females (Zilpha & five others). Neighbors: Geiger, Busbee, Liphart, Kennerly, Gossett, Bookman, Weisinger, Corley, Roof, Price, Cummerland, Clark, Clark, Hydle, Busby, Hellman, Beard.

One man, three boys, six women. 10 people total. No slaves.William D. and James A. not born yet, so two later children missing from the current household. Two of the 10 inhabitants are John & Zilpha, which leaves eight children, assuming all the inhabitants are John & Zilpha's family of origin. 

• In the 1800 US Census for Orangeburgh, SC, Selvia Eddins is head of household. In the household are two males under 10 (William D. & James A.), two males 10 - 15 (John S. & Ephraim), questionable 1 male 26 - 44--looks like it said one then was changed to zero. There are also one female under 10 (Martha or Mary), two females 10 - 15 (probably Fereby and Anna Obedience), and one female 26 - 44 (Zilpha). Neighbors include Muntz, Peter Sea or Lea, Elizabeth Kelly, William Kelley, Samuel Kelley, Roof, Blakeley, George Turner, Borman, Senn, Carter, Hydle, Smith, Lipheart, Charles Corley, Lites (Lightsey), John Weisinger, William Daniel (brother to Frederick Daniel who married Susanah Hendrix?), Busby, John Ricord (Rickard), Geiger, Sanders, Evans, Christian Wingard.

Selvia is in a section labeled “Lexington north of Saluda.” Others include John Smith, Peter Sea, Martin Hook, Lavina Sandford, Samuel Aldridge.

She's in the same area she was as when John Eddins died in 1795-ish. Elizabeth had married Benjamin Wingard and had at least one child. Blakely was presumably on his way to settle in Pulaski County, GA, since there aren't any males of his age.  While the 1828 ad identifies Mary as the wife of George Turner, Turner's wife in 1800 seems too old to be Mary if Mary is a daughter of Zilpha.

She lives near Nace Blakely and the Nace's future son-in-law Hydle/Hidel.

Being the female 26 - 44 would put her birth year 1756 - 1784. She is head of household. Eight people in the household. John has died.

• In the 1810 US Census for SC, Widow Edins is in Lexington County. In the household are one male 10 - 15 (James A., 17?), two males 16 - 25 (Ephraim, 24 & not John S, who is married & in Lexington), one male 26 - 44. Also in the household are one female under 10 (Unknown), one female 16 - 25, two females 26 - 45  and one female 45 and over (Widow Eddins). Nearby neighbors are George, John & Henry Windgard (brothers of Benjamin, husband of Elizabeth?),  Rambo, Furney, Busby, Jumper, Martin, Hendrix, Oaks, Johnston, Bookman, Oliver, Oswalt, Keixer, Busbee, Rall, Boozer, Gibson. Neighbor David King surveyed a plat for Zilpha in 1817.

The make-up of the household suggests that some of Zilpha's children must have been living with her. For example, possibly Elizabeth Eddins Wingard, before she remarried Mr. Brown.

Being the over 45 female would make her birth year 1765 or before.

• Zilpha arranged for land plats of 100+ acre parcels to be drawn in 1817 & 1818. Neighbor David King did one.

Zilpha owned land.

Zilpha married David Winchell between 1810 and 1820. We know this from her 1828 ad (skipping ahead a little). So we look to David Winchell in the 1820 Census. 

• In the 1820 US Census for SC, David Winchel is living in Lexington County. In the household are one male over 45 (David), one female over 45 (Zilpha), and one person engaged in agriculture. Important neighbors: Absolom Hedrix, Jesse Lee or Sea, John Lipheart, David Hendrix, William Lee, Margaret Brown, Jeffcoats, George Rickard, John Eddins (her son), Metze, Ellison, Busby, George Fry, William Hendrix, Henry Hendrix, Andrew Fry, Lites, Weissinger.

Being the over 45 female would make her birth year 1775 or before.

• Even if Zilpha wasn't literate, she was still social. She got letters, because there was one for her in the Columbia, SC, post office on January 1, 1822.

• Zilpha's 1828 South Carolina State Gazette ad names her as "Zilpha Winchell, formerly Edins" and identifies her deceased husband as "John Edins." The ad also states that her children were "Mary, wife of George Turner, Elizabeth Brown, Fereby, wife of Samuel Hendrix, John Edins, Martha Edins, Blakely Edins, Obedience, wife of Edom Moon, James A. Edins and William D. Edins." 

•  In the 1830 US Census for SC, David Winchell is living in Lexington County. He is 40 - 50, and living by himself. Neighbors: Shealy, Fort, Waters, Qualltelbaum, Lee,  Withers, Orthery, Williams, Mitchell, Fort, Sun, Taylor, Brown, Askins.

Why is there no one else in his household if Zilpha died in 1831??

• Sources say Zilpha died in 1831.

To sum up:

So basically, all we can prove is that Zilpha was born between 1756 and 1765. She was married at least twice, once to John Eddins and once to David Winchel. She had at least 10 children, most of whom lived to maturity. Her first child (Elizabeth) was born between 1777 and 1780. Last child (James A.) born 1794. She owned land that she was able to sell. She lived near several Blakelys. She died in 1831. 


Though the DNA evidence still points to Zilpha as a Blakely, we can't prove any more than what's listed here. Still there's now a better outline of her life that may prove helpful in the future. 


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Elizabeth Eddins Wingard Brown

 The purpose of this post is to describe the life of Elizabeth Eddins/Edins/Edens, oldest daughter of John and Zilpha Eddins, Lexington and Orangeburgh Districts/Counties, SC. She married Benjamin Wingard and then Unknown Brown.

Before continuing, let me declare strongly that this post's goal is not to make anyone upset—only to lay out the facts that I believe describe her life. The material is labeled as fact with sources or as theory with supporting evidence. I will gladly change/amend this blog post if you provide evidence to prove!

To begin:

Much of the information posted about this Elizabeth on Ancestry and the internet is confused or incorrect. 

For example:

The birthdate may be correct, being within the estimates of the best Eddins researchers. Even the marriage date to Benjamin Wingard may be correct, though the source isn't mentioned in any book or document I've come across in 30 years. It's pretty specific, so there may be some truth to it. The death date, however, is just plain silly. Elizabeth had at least six and possibly seven children: Mary, Samuel, Albert, Jobe, William, Jacob and probably Sarah. In addition, Alabama was not a state until 1820.  And no one has ever proved that John Eddins's name was John William Eddins (though it might be. Show me the evidence).

Here's another example:

One Elizabeth Eddins, 79, planter, born SC about 1780, died in Tuscaloosa, AL, in September 1859. This fact is proved by the 1860 Mortality Schedule for Tuscaloosa County, AL:

Link here:

I have known and proved that married women sometimes reverted to maiden or earlier surnames in later life. However, the EE who died in Tuscaloosa, AL, in 1859, was born Elizabeth Walker. She married Joseph Balus Eddins.

• Here in 1830 with husband Joseph Balus Eddins, 1777 - 1839:

• Here she is in Tuscaloosa in 1840—widowed, with children still in the household; sons Samuel and Bery nearby:

• 1850 Tuscaloosa with son Joseph nearby:

Yada, yada, yada.

Obviously this woman was not the Elizabeth Eddins of Lexington County, SC. If you look, you can find lots more evidence that the Elizabeth Eddins in Tuscaloosa, AL, was not the same person, though she bore the same name. So...

...Let's move to what IS provable about Elizabeth Eddins of Lexington, SC, daughter of John and Zilpha.

Bob Eddings, Eddins researcher, is my starting point for early Eddins info. In 30 years of research, I have found his info to be "off" only a few times. So let's assume he is correct. Here's what he says about Elizabeth Eddins:

"Regarding Elizabeth Eddings who married Benjamin Wingard, I don’t know much. I looked at the World Connect project on the Internet to see what others had posted about them and the info I found was almost useless. One poster showed their daughter Mary being born before her mother. Here is what little I have on them. Elizabeth was born circa 1777 . About 1794-95 she married Benjamin Wingard and apparently their first child was William, born 12/10/1795. Their other children were: Mary, Jacob, Sanuel, Albert, and Jobe. I estimate they all were born during the period circa 1798-1807. Due to Benjamin's young age, he might have lived with his parents for a while." shows first son William's birthdate as 12/10/1799:

Assuming this info is correct within a year or two, then Elizabeth would have married Benjamin Wingard about ages 17 - 19.  They may have lived with his parents. William, the first child, was born 12/10/1799 or so, when Elizabeth was 18 - 22. 

William's grave says 1799:

The 1800 Census agrees with William's birth year as 1796 - 1799:

In the 1800 US Census for SC, Benjamin Wingard is living in the Orangeburgh District of Lexington County. In the household are one male under 10 (born 1791 - 1800), one male 16 - 26, (born 1774 - 1784, Benjamin) and one female 16 - 26  (Elizabeth, born 1774 - 1784). Where are the rest of the children supposedly born before 1800??? Nowhere if William was the first and born in 1899. Neighbors include most of the Hendrix families, Michael Lee, Philip Fry, Peter Hendrick, John Lipes.

Here's an interesting digression: 

In Memorialized Records of Lexington District, S.C., 1814 - 1825Page 68, Brent Holcomb lists this transaction: Benjamin Wingard buys 378 acres on the head of Congaree Creek from George Liks (Litesy??); sale price $378; dated December 19, 1801; recorded and proved December 1, 1817. Many people have listed December 19, 1801, as Benjamin's death date. He probably died after, but at least there's now a source for the very specific date.

Skipping ahead in time:


In 1828, Elizabeth's mother Zilpha ran an ad in the SC State Gazette that listed her children, including "John Edins" and "Elizabeth Brown." The ad also named those of Zilpha's children living outside SC. John and Elizabeth are not mentioned, so they must have still been living in SC in 1828. 

You can find the content of Zilpha's ad in an earlier ALRoots2 post. Here's the web link, but it's behind a paywall:

One thing it's possible to conclude from this entry is that Elizabeth got remarried after Benjamin's death (after 1801) to Mr. Unknown Brown. 

Backtracking to 1810:

The 1810 Census does not list Benjamin Wingard and sadly, it doesn't list either "Elizabeth Wingard" or "Widow Wingard." An obvious conclusion is that Benjamin died our moved away by 1810 and that Elizabeth and children were living with relatives. 

There IS a "Widow Brown"but probably not Elizabeth as she would have been 37 or so and woman who's head of household is over 45

In the 1810 U.S. Census for SC, Widow Brown is living in Lexington District. In the household are two females 16 - 25 (born 1785 - 1794) and one female 45 and over (Widow Brown, born 1774 or earlier).

Moving farther forward in time, however, we find a good candidate for Elizabeth:

In the 1820 US Census for SC, Elizabeth Brown is living in Lexington County. In the household are one male 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1780 but not head of household), two females 10 - 15 (born 1805 - 1810), one female 26 - 44 (Elizabeth, head of household, who must be 40 - 44, born 1776 - 1780). Three people engaged in agriculture. two people under 16, two people over 25. Total is four people. Neighbors: Geiger, Fey, Meetze, Lee, Kinzler, Griffen, Battles, Strickland, Oswalt, Price, Reisinger, Swygert.

Also, consider this:

In Memorialized Records of Lexington District, S.C., 1814 - 1825Page 127, Brent Holcomb lists this transaction: Elizabeth Brown gifts to Mary and Sarah Wingard, 30 acres lying by the Broad River; executed 20 March 1822; proved the same day; recorded April 3, 1822.

Elizabeth is the 1820 head of household. Mary and Sarah may be the two females 10 - 15. At this point I don't know who the male is; perhaps Jobe. (Oh, boy—something else to investigate:)

And the final record for Elizabeth's life:

In the 1830 US Census for SC, Elizabeth Brown lives in Lexington County. In the household there is one female 50 - 59 (Elizabeth, born 1771 - 1780) and one free colored person 10 - 23. Next door is John Eddings (John S. Eddings, Elizabeth's brother). Neighbors: Roof, Ruff, Lee, Oswalt, Newman, Qualttlebaum, John Eddings.

Elizabeth Eddins (b. 1777 - 1780) would be 50 to 53, so her age matches Elizabeth Brown’s in 1830.

That's all I have found about the life of Elizabeth Eddins Wingard Brown. There may be other good sources available. I'll keep looking. Comments with proof are always welcome!

Since Mary Wingard mar

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Eddinses of Pulaski County, GA

Blakely and William D. Eddins and offspring, as far as I can tell, though there may be others.

Blakely and William D. were both sons of John & Zilpha Eddins/Edins/Eddings/Edens of Orangeburg/Lexington County, SC. Blakely went to Pulaski County first and his brother William D. and family followed. The tricky part is figuring out who's offspring is whose.

Here's what Eddings researcher extraordinaire Bob Eddings has to say:

"I can't answer all your questions about Ephriam Eddings, but I am sure the one in Georgia on the 1820 census was the the same one in Richland Co., S.C. Circa 1809 Ephriam's brother Blakey (Blakely) granted him some land in Morgan Co., Ga. and 2/14/1814 Ephriam sold that land. In 1820 he was in Pulaski Co., Ga. I don't know when or where Ephriam married, but his wife was named Anna. I show no record of any children. On 5/10/1826 Anna filed for an Application for Letters of Administration in Richland Co. to settle Ephriam's estate, since he was then deceased. I dont know if Ephriam ever lived in Morgan Co. or not."

The earliest record I can find of Blakely so far is as a lieutenant in an unnumbered district militia company, Pulaski County, GA, G.M.; Bleckley Edens’s entry is from December 10, 1810.

In 1814 Blakely Edings is listed in the muster rolls for Pulaski County, GA. The entry says: "Blakely Edings, Lieut., commencement of service Sept. 9, expiration of service, Sept. 18, pay for the month, $30." This is dated "Georgia. Pulaski County, November 3rd, 1814. Pay roll of Detachments of Militia at Forts Pike, Mitchel, Green, and Lawrence, under the command of Capt. Gideon Kellam, agreeable to Regimental orders of September 8th, 1814."

The Georgia Tax Digests shows that in 1818 Blakely was in Pulaski County, GA, serving as trustee for Elizabeth Lee.

From 1818 to 1821 Blakely shows up in several court documents, for example, security for a bond or as a marriage-performing JP. He was obviously a respected man.

Did Blakely get married and have kids? Hard to tell. 

In the 1820 US Census for GA, Blakley Eddins is in Pulaski County. In the household are six males under 10 (born 1810 - 1820), one male 16 - 25 (born 1795 - 1804; James? William D.?), one male 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794; Blakley born 1780ish). There are three females under 10 (born 1810 - 1820), and two 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794). Four people are engaged in agriculture. There are also one male slave under 14, one 14 - 25, and one female slave 14 - 25. Nine free white people under 16, three FW people over 25.

I haven't found Blakely after the 1820 Census or in any documents after 1830. Bob Eddings said he died in 1838, but I haven't yet found the evidence to support that. I'll keep looking.

However, I HAVE found William D. Eddins:

In the 1830 US Census for GA, William D. Eding is living in Capt. Roach's District, Pulaski County, GA. In the household are one male 0 - 5 (born 1825 - 1830), four males 5 - 10 (born 1820 - 1825), one male 30 - 40 (born 1790 - 1800; William D. born about 1791). There are also one female 0 - 5 (born 1825 - 1830), one female 10 - 15 (born 1815 - 1820), and one female 20 - 30 (born 1800 - 1810). Neighbors: Hardy Powers, James Kinsion (Kinshen), Perskins, Bush, Brown, Mathews, Wood, Pope, Ward, James Key (probably father of Emaline, who married William D., Junior in 1838).

William D. also appears in the 1840 Census:

In the 1840 US Census for Pulaski County, GA, W.D. Edins lives in Capt. Eden's District. In the household are one male 5 - 9 (born 1835 - 1840), one male 10 - 14 (born 1825 - 1830), two males 15 - 19 (1820 - 1825), and one male 40 - 49 (William D., 1790 - 1800). There are also one female 0 - 5 (born 1835 - 1840) and one female 15 - 19 (born 1820 - 1825).  Neighbors: Hodge, Whigham, Simmons, Z. Pope, Bemby, Hosky, Hays, Sapp.

W. D. Edins appears in the 1850 Mortality Schedule for Pulaski County, GA. He was 57, born SC, married, 24 days sick, died in November 1849, died of “imfamany.” Heaven know what "imfamany" is. Influenza?

After 1850 the only Edinses I can find in Pulaski County are in the Censuses. For example, in the 1850 US Census for Pulaski County, D. R. Eddins is living alone in Household #357. He is 25 (born 1825), a farmer. Living a few doors away is his sister Zilpha, married to Benjamin Whigham. The correct name is Zebulon Rodolphus.

Also in Pulaski County there's farmer Blakely Edins, 29, born about 1821 in GA, living with new wife Martha, née Yearty.

William D. had just died in 1849 (1850 Mortality Schedule).  The executor for his will was Zebulon, which would suggest that Z. R. was William D.'s son. In the same set of estate papers, Blakely Eddins and Richard Delamar are listed as security for Zebulon's service as executor. See:


Sadly, Blakely died intestate by September 7, 1863, as evidenced by this application for executive powers:

That's all I've got for the moment. I'm sure there's more. When I find it, I'll post it.