Zilpha is the daughter of James A. and Nancy Ann Hendricks Eddins/Edins. She's probably the fourth daughter and seventh child. She was named after her delightful grandmother Zilpha Eddins, widow of John, who married a much younger man late in life. Her birth year is confusing: she was born in
• 1821 according to the 1850 Census for AL
• 1826 according to Bob Eddings, moderator of the Eddings list at Genforum.com.
• 1829 in the 1860 Census
• 1830 in the 1880 Census
• 1835 in the 1870 Census
In the 1830 Census for AL, she is probably one of the under 5 females enumerated in the household of James A. Edens of Wilcox County, AL. In the 1840 Census she is probably one of the females 10 - 15 enumerated in the household of J. A. Eddings in Tallapoosa County, AL. The 1840 Census is important because so many of the neighbors show up in the later lives of the Eddins.
In Zilpha's case, one important neighbor may be Jacob Rope, AKA Jacob Rape or Reeb. Jacob's daughter Matilda married Daniel Beaver/Beavis in Tallapoosa County before 1850. In the 1850 Tallapoosa Census Emily Rope who is living in the household of Daniel Beaver may be the same person as Zilpha Eddins. Emily Rope's daughter Martha, age 3, would then be Martha Jane Pope, whose birthdates are also confusing!
In 1849 Francis M. Freeman married Ellender Pope. Here's the source:
That's where my knowledge of the name Eleanor comes from. Also, several censuses list Zylpha as Z. E. Freeman. For example, in the 1860 US Census for AL, Francis M. Freema is living in Beat 8, Realtown P.O., Western Division, Tallapoosa County. He is 28, a mechanic, born GA, $300. Next is listed Zylpha E. Freema. She is 39, born AL. Also in the household is Martha T., 23, Francis M(arion)., 21, a farmer, and William H, 19, all born AL. They are living next door to Zilpha's sister Ann Susannah Eddins Rice (Rix) and family. Up the street is Freeman's relative Elijah Freeman & family, Zilpha's nephew Peter Eddens with Henry J. Rise (Rix), Harrison, Echols, Martha (Helton) Freeman, Nancy Freeman, 70, Tabitha Baird, Susan Freeman, 70, with Joseph Davis, 17--all relatives or people who are familiar in Zilpha's life.
In the 1870 US Census for AL, Z. E. Freeman is living in Oak Bowery, Chambers County, AL. She is 45, female, keeping house, living in the household of F. M. Poke or Pope, a farmer, $550, born AL. Also in the household are Ann Edwin, 20, born AL, at home; Martha Poke or Pope, 20, born AL, and Nancy Eddins, 70, at home, born AL. Black neighbors: Blosengame, Moore, Prince, Dowdeth; Wilson; white neighbors: Kelly, Waldrop, Jeter.
In the 1880 US Census for Al, Z. A. Freeman is living in Opelika, Lee County, AL. She is 50 born AL, parents born SC, has rheumatism, can read & write. Also in the household are M(artha) J(ane) Pope, 25, parents born SC., son F(rancis) M(arion) Pope, 23, clerk in a junk shop, N(ancy) Edins, 84, widowed, born SC, parents born SC; sister-in-law A. M. Edins, 30 or 38, sewing, born SC, father born SC, mother born KY; and Neil Gilmore, laborer & servant, born AL, parents born AL. Neighbors: Wilkerson, Smith, Harris, Hightower, Tucker, Slaughter, Moore, Simms, Frazier.
Right place, right time, because Opelika, Lee County, is just "up the street" from Reeltown and Walnut Hill in Tallapoosa County.
Zilpha seems to disappear after the 1880 Census. She may have remarried, but she probably died and is buried in Opelika, Lee County, or Chambers or Tallapoosa County. Haven't found her on Findagrave.com, but will look for her next time I go to AL. She is definitely not in the household in 1900, where we find Martha Jane, Marian, and William living in Opelika, Lee County. Martha Jane and Marian are still together in 1910 in Opelika, but William H. is not in the household. He's probably the William H. Pope, born 1840, buried in Rosemere Cemetery in Opelika; maybe he died between 1900 and 1910.
Ellender Pope.
Possibly Emily Rope.
Zylpha E. Freema.
Z. E. Freeman.
Z. A. Freeman.
Ellen Edine.
One woman. Many names and dates. I bet she would have been a hoot to know!
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