Saturday, September 1, 2012

Additional evidence for Joseph Helton research

Today I wrote to my cousins who are interested in genealogy. Here's the body of the out-going message:

"Hi there you,

Several years ago I corresponded with RR, who was a cousin on the Edins side. Before RR died, he asked me if I had any knowledge of Native American roots in our family. I asked my aunt if she knew of any. She said no. So I reported "no" to him. 

Well, guess what? 

He may have been right.

You remember that Blakely Edins married Elizabeth Helton, right? Her parents were Joseph and Martha "Mattie" Colvin Helton. 

My latest research at details the connections between Joseph Helton and the McDaniel family of Pike County, AL. They are DEFINITELY connected; probably a step-family. John McDaniel, the step-father, was 1/2 Scottish & 1/2 Cherokee. The mother Mary, who I believe is Joseph's mother, was born in the Cherokee Nation in TN, and thus maybe full Cherokee. 

My research has indicated only that there was a connection, not exactly what the connection is—but I do believe that Mary is Joseph's mother—thus giving our family NA roots and proving Russell correct. 

I hope you'll find the info helpful and interesting. I would like to hear your take on the info, positive or negative. Thank you for sharing it with me."
One of my newly discovered and highly artistic cousins just wrote back:
"This is great news!  Mother, my grandmother (BE), and my great aunt (CE) always said we had an Indian in the family, but they could not pinpoint the person.  They said it was a woman and grandmother.  I have been wanting to hear about this person all my life. Thank you so much."

WOW! This message made me so happy because it independently confirmed that I'm on the right track. 

Yes, the information is hearsay—but so often family legends are correct, and they deserve attention and further investigation. 

So I guarantee you, JE, I'm on it!

(It's important to respect privacy, so I've used initials instead of living people's real names. But if I know you, I'll identify the folks in the message.)

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