The notice reads:
Zilpha Winchell, formerly Edins, applicant, vs. Mary, wife of George Turner, Elizabeth Brown, Fereby, wife of Samuel Hendrix, John Edins, Martha Edins, Blakely Edins, Obedience, wife of Edom Moon, James A. Edins, and William D. Edins, defendants.
It appearing to my satisfaction that George Turner and wife Mary, Samuel Hendrix and wife Fereby, Martha Edins, Blakely Edins, Edom Moon and wife Obedience, James A. Edins and William D. Edins of the above named defendants, reside without the limits of this state: It is therefore ordered, that they do appear and object to the division of the real estate of John Edins the elder, deceased, on or before the 15th day of January next, or their consent will be entered of record. A.H. Fort, Ordinary J.D.
December 18"
Here is the ad's link at
What I just noticed is that Elizabeth Brown was still in SC at the time of the ad. Everyone else had moved. Bears investigating. Oh, boy—more research!!!
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