Saturday, June 25, 2016

The life of Anna Obedience Eddins, m. Edom Moon

Writing this to sort out what I know about Anna Obedience Eddins/Edins, who married Edom Moon.

According to her tombstone, (Anna) Obedience Eddins was born on October 13, 1789. She died on May 16, 1863, and is buried in the Jones-Moon Cemetery in Walker County, GA. Grave markers are often incorrect, but they may be good indicators. So let's just decide to accept this information as mostly correct.

Anna Obedience was likely the sixth child of John Eddins. She might have been the sixth child of Zilpha MNU (Maiden Name Unknown) also, but we don't know if Zilpha was John's first or second wife. Zilpha certainly affected Obedience—more on that later.

We know AO was a child of John Eddins because of the 1828 ad Zilpha ran in the SC State Gazette:

At any rate, she was probably one of the female children enumerated in the 1790 Census for SC:

John Eddins died about 1795. In the 1800 US Census for Orangeburgh, SC, Selvia Eddins is head of household. In the household are two males under 10 (William D. & James A.), two males 10 - 15 (John S. & Ephraim), questionable 1 male 26 - 44--looks like it said one then was changed to zero. It could not have been Blakely, as he would have been only 20 at the time. There are also one female under 10 (Unknown Female), two females 10 - 15 (Obedience and Unknown), and one female 26 - 44 (Zilpha).

The next record of Anna Obedience is her marriage. One source says 1802. She would have been 13.
The History of the Moon Family by William H. Moon (1920, Conners, GA) says 1805. Obedience would have been 16. Some family trees say 1809. She would have been 20. Did she get married in GA or SC? There's no answer, but it's most likely that she got married in GA, which is where Edom lived most of his life. Some sources say Columbia, GA, but I couldn't find a primary source:

When did she go to GA? Between 1800 and 1809. Why did she go to GA when she was born in SC? My best guess is that she accompanied her brother Blakely to GA as a housekeeper—but it's only a guess.

The 1805 GA Land Lotteries show Edom Moon as a person entitled to one draw in the land lottery.

In which he was a fortunate drawer.

By 1820 Edom and Anna O. were in Captain Wellington's District in Columbia County. In the household there were two males under 10, one male 26 - 45 (Edom, 38), two females under 10, one female 10 - 16, and one female 26 - 45 (Obedience, 31). Neighbors: Davis, Hassel, Roberts, Withers, Cartledge, Avery, Pullen.

In 1830 they're in Walton County, GA. In the household are one male 10 - 15, one male 15 - 20, one male 40 - 50 (Edom, 48), one female under five, two females five - 10, one female 10 - 15, one female 15 - 20, one female 30 - 40 (Obedience, 40). Neighbors: Davis Camp, Moon, Baird, White, Henson, West, Moon.

No one seems to have found them in 1840.

In 1850 Edom Moon is living in Division 88 of Walton County, GA. He is 67, a farmer, born NC, can read, no money. Also in the household are Obedience, 57, born SC, cannot read or write; Sarah, 30, Mary 25, Edom G. W., 17. All children born in GA. Neighbors: Jordan, Allgood, Burton, Carter, Brice.

In 1860 Edom Moore (reads as "Moon") is living in Chestnut Flat, Walker County, GA. He is 77, a farmer, no money. Also in the household are Obedience, 65, born SC; and Edom G. W., 28, born GA. Neighbors: Cooper, Williams, Jones, Phillips.

According to, Obedience died May 16, 1863. She's with Edom, who outlived her by 16 years.

Obedience was probably young when she started having babies. Eventually she popped out at least eight:

• Daniel Bookout Moon, 1813 - 1862, m. Emily Pullen

• William B or E. (Eddins??) Moon, 1816 - 1868, m. Emmerile Brooks

• Dollie Moon 1816 - 1886. "Dolly" was an Eddins family name.

• Martha Ann Moon 1818 - 1857, m. Josiah Brooks

• Pattie Moon 1818 - ?
• Sarah Moon 1822 - 1900

• Mary Ann Moon 1825 - 1918, m. Jones

• Edom G. W. Moon 1831 - 1925, m. Mary Ann Dunn

and maybe nine:

• Henry 1836. Although if Henry were a son of Edom and Obedience, you'd think that at 14 he'd still be in the household in 1850, but he's not. There's DNA evidence linking Henry to Obedience, but we're still looking at it.

So Anna Obedience married young, popped out at least eight kids over 27 years, couldn't read, and was a farmer's wife. Probably a very nice farmer's wife.

How do we know?

Note that among her grandchildren are the definite "Eddins" names of Blakely and Zylpha—and several Obediences and A.O.s.

Isn't that sweet?

Friday, June 10, 2016

The life of Peter Hendrix, NC/PA > SC > AL

Even though DNA triangulation has proved my theory that Peter Hendrix and Elizabeth Gibson were the parents of Nancy Ann Hendrix Eddins/Edins, there are still plenty of questions, like:

• When did P & E marry—really? 

• Why wasn't Nancy Ann mentioned as one of their children? 

• Why did Peter & Elizabeth move to Alabama?

There's so much incorrect material floating around the internet. In order to answer the questions above, I feel the need to lay out what can be proved with the material I have access to right now. 

The basics

Let's start with the 1850 US Census:

In the 1850 US Census for AL, Peter Hendrix is living in the household of James Hendrix in Monroe County. Peter is 85, born NC, a farmer, can read and write. Also in the household is (wife) Elizabeth, 78, born SC, can read and write.*%26gsln_x%3d1%26msrpn__ftp%3dMonroe%2bCounty%252c%2bAlabama%252c%2bUSA%26msrpn%3d2052%26msrpn_PInfo%3d7-%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c0%257c3%257c0%257c2052%257c0%257c0%257c%26msrpn_x%3d1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3d1%26MSAV%3d2%26uidh%3dwy5&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnSearchResults

If Peter was 85 in 1850, then his birth year was about 1765. Most material about Peter agrees with this, but I wonder if the sole source for the information is the 1850 Census? I haven't been able to find a second primary source to corroborate the exact year. But 1765 falls within the age ranges listed in other censuses, so let's go with it.

Peter's parents

We know that Peter's father was Tobias Hendrix because Tobias's Lexington County, SC, heirs signed a document granting a piece of land to John Hendrix. Date of transfer: April 30, 1807. Recorded February 11, 1815, in Deed Book B, Page 195. "We, Elizabeth Hendrix, Henry Hendrix, Peter Hendrix, Samuel Hendrix, and David Hendrix and Absalom Hendrix. For $300; 93 acres being part of a 250 acre grant originally granted to Henry Lybrand. Situated on a branch of the Saluda River called 20 Mile Branch, part also of a tract originally laid out to Christopher Keithmer and part originally granted to John Gibson. Witnesses: Jacob Rall and John Williams." The source for this information is the Lexington Genealogical Exchange, Volume I, Book 3, Winter 1981, Page 106. 

Tobias Hendrix married Margaret Sprenkels and lived at one time in PA. This we know from the will of Margaret's father William Spinkels, which was probated in York County, PA, in 1772. Tobias Hendricks is listed as the son-in-law of William, married to Margaret. Peter would have been about seven.

Peter's birthplace

The 1850 AL Census says Peter was born in NC, but around that time his father was moving between PA and NC. For example:

In 1768, when Peter would have been three, Tobias shows up in the Oyer and Terminez Court Papers for Cumberland County, which is next door to York County, PA:

By 1780, when Peer was 15, a Tobias Hendricks was in Cap. Johnson's District in Rowan, NC.

Let's just say that Peter Hendricks was born around 1765, probably in NC or PA. His parents were Tobias Hendricks and Margaret Sprinkels.

Peter's military service

I can't find any record of it. Not on Ancestry. Not Not online. 

Peter was too young for the War of Independence (11). He was 37, farming, married with children by the War of 1812—not prime soldier material. There were other wars during that time period but no record of Peter Hendrix (and other surname variations) from NC or SC or PA taking part. 

A possible explanation, though it's only a theory as of now, is that Peter and his family were Quakers. There was an active Quaker church in the Dutch Fork (Newbury/Orangeburg/Lexington/Richland Districts) at the time. This deserves more research and an additional blog entry. Till then:

Peter's adult life

In the 1790 US Census for SC, Tobias Hendricks is living in Orangeburg District, later Lexington County. In the household are three white males over 16, one white male under 16, one female, and no slaves. Neighbors include Snellgrove, Dreher, Adams, Pickley, Lights(ey) Amick, Michael Oswald, and John Gibson.

There was a Peter Hendricks in Cumberland County, PA, in the 1790 Census, but that family had two males over 16, two males under 16, and four females.  No neighbors that we associate with our Hendrixes. Whereas, there are lots of families associate with our Hendrixes in Orangeburg: Amick, Snellgrove, and especially Gibson. It makes more sense to think that Peter, 25, is one of the three white males over 16 in Tobias's household—but there's really no proof. 

Sometime between before 1800 Peter got married. Probably Elizabeth Gibson. Probably. The year most written for their marriage is 1797. Maybe. There's a whole blog entry worth of material about that, so I'll save that for next time. 

The first time Peter really shows up independently is in the 1800 Census. In the 1800 US Census for SC, Peter Hendrick is living in Lexington, Orangeburgh County. In the household are one male under 10, one male 26 - 44 (Peter, 35), two females under 10, and one female 16 - 25 (Elizabeth, 28??). Neighbors include Wingard, Tobias Hendrix, Lyps, Taylor, Lea, Adams, Sea (Seay), Harmon, Fry, Gartman, Benjamin Gibson, Harmon.

In the 1810 US Census for SC, Peter Hendrex is living in Lexington County, SC. In the household are three males under 10, one male 10 - 15 (Nathan, 10ish), one male 26 - 44 (Peter, 44 to 45). There are also two females under 10, two females 10 - 15, and one female 16 - 25  (Elizabeth, 38. This is in error?). Neighbors include Dickerson, Holman, Lites (Lightsey), Gortman, Hook, Roll (Rall, Rawl), Clark, Keisler, Free (Frey), Clark, Price, Hooker, Strickland, Wim. Hendrix, Elizabeth Hendrix, Oswalt, Samuel Hendrix, Dane, Thyger.*%26gsln_x%3d1%26msrpn__ftp%3dSouth%2bCarolina%252c%2bUSA%26msrpn%3d43%26msrpn_PInfo%3d5-%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c3245%257c43%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c%26msrpn_x%3dXO%26msrpn__ftp_x%3d1%26dbOnly%3d_F0005104%257c_F0005104_x%26dbOnly%3d_F0005106%257c_F0005106_x%26dbOnly%3d_F0005107%257c_F0005107_x%26dbOnly%3d_F0005108%257c_F0005108_x%26uidh%3dwy5&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnSearchResults

Brett Holcomb's Memorialized Records of Lexington District, SC, 1814 - 1825 (Historical Press 1978, ISBN: 0-89308-100-0) shows Peter selling Lexington County acreage on the Saluda River to Jacob Lites (Lightsey) in 1818 in two separate transactions. 

Peter and family seem to have disappeared in the 1820 Census. The next place he shows up is when buying a piece of land in Monroe County in 1825:

In the 1830 US Census for Al, Peter Headen (Hendrix) is in Monroe County, AL. In the household are one male 10 - 15, one male 15 - 20, one male 20 - 30 and one male 60 - 70 (Peter). There are also one female 10 - 15, one female 15 - 20, one female 20 - 30, and one female 50 - 60  (Elizabeth). Neighbors include Reuben Headen (Hendrix), William Headen (Hendrix), Craps (Craft?), Boatwright, Henry Hendrix, Jr., Henry Boozer, Frederick Daniel (who married Susanna Hendrix), George Rawl, Rebecca Kennada, Thomas P. Kennada, Aldridge, Harbin, Griffen, Johnson, Partin, McMillian, John Stagener, David Hendrix, Benjamin Gibson. 

Peter bought land in Monroe County, AL, in 1825, 1830, and 1838. The land is mostly located around Monroeville. You can find those documents at

In the 1840 US Census for AL, Peter Hendrix is in Monroe County in an unnamed township. In the household is one male 70 - 80  (Peter). There are also one female 5 - 10, one female 15 - 20, and one female 60 - 70 (Elizabeth). There is one female slave. Neighbors include Rebecca Mitchell, Lawrence Rickard, Edmund Smith, Bozeman, S.M. Kineda (maybe the same as living next to Nancy Eddins in 1860??), Emmons, Harris, William B. Crook, James Lowl, Vinson, Sanders, See or Lee, Low, Hathcock, Newman, Road, Andrew Fry, Daniel.

Peter's character

Was he kind? Mean? A drunk? A spendthrift? Who knows, really? 

All we can do is extrapolate from the evidence. 

• He was a businessman and had money. We know this because he bought and sold land. A lotta lots.

Peter Hendrix & wife to Jesse O. Rawls, June 1, 1835, Book A., Page 64.
Peter Hendrix and wife to Susannah Daniel, April 27, 1840, Book A, Page 578
Peter Hendrix and wife to Susannah Daniel, January 15, 1842, Book B, Pages 65-66
Peter Hendrix and wife to Samual J. Cummings or Cunning, October 29, 1846, Book B, Page??

From Monroe County land records at the AL Archives viewed June 2011.

• He was educated and could read and write, as shown by his signature on the 1807 land sale. 

• He had a regard for family. It's pleasant that he usually included his wife on the deeds and donations.

• He was was either generous or rich enough to donate land:

From the history of the First Baptist Church, Monroeville, AL, website:

 “Property on Pineville Road was given by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hendrix in 1846. The framed, original handwritten deed now hangs below a painting of the church in the library....”

• He was a farmer as shown by the 1850 U.S. Census for AL. 

In conclusion

We've come full circle to the 1850 Census, when Peter and Elizabeth were living in the household of nephew James in Monroe County, AL. 

This is all I know about Peter at the moment. When I find more, you'll be the first to know.  :-)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Nannie Annie Is my granny!

Whoop! Whoop!

As you can tell, I've long had a theory that my great-great-great grandmother Nancy Ann Hendrix/Hendricks/Hendrex who married James A. Eddins/Edins is the daughter of Peter Hendrix and Elizabeth Gibson. 

You can look at my theory here:

and here:

and here:

Right up front you should know there's no paper trail to prove it. No marriage license, no death certificate, not even a family story. Nancy's name was not mentioned in Tobias Hendrix's will, which states other children of Peter Hendrix. Lack of her name in the will proves nothing. One of my other 3rd great-grandfathers was not named in a will, even though legal documents proved who he was. Lack of name mention could mean that the child was disowned or that the child had already received his/her share of the inheritance. 

My entire Nancy Annie = Grannie theory was based on circumstantial evidence, such as:

  • Nancy's first son named Peter

  • Nancy's children named after people in the Hendrix family, such as Simeon, Aaron, Dolly, Elizabeth

  • Nancy's widow's application for the War of 1812

Until now there's been no direct evidence that Nancy belonged to Peter and Elizabeth. 

Until now. 

My fragrant cousin the DNA expert wrote this message to me this morning:

"Got a message from a cousin on 23andMe this morning. She's on Gedmatch too (Mxxxxxx), and matches me where E. F. does (Axxxxx...). She has Peter Hendrix and Elizabeth Gibson in her line, and has Tobias Hendrix/Margaret Sprenckel on her tree twice. Her tree is on Ancestry.....Our cousin Jimmy matches there too. Whoop! Triangulation! :)"

Triangulation provides likely proof that Ancestor X is yours, but the odds go up substantially when there are four or more people who match at the same segment, even if it's small. From

  • Small segments CAN be triangulated to a particular ancestor. Triangulated in this sense means that this segment is found in the descendants of a group of people (3 or more) proven to descend from the same ancestor AND who all match each other on the same segment.

Four people, four matches. Now that she's found that spot, my fragrant cousin may be able to ID other people related to us through the Hendrixes. 

Whoop! Whoop!

Incidentally, this also confirms that Truman Capote is our cousin. My ggggrandmother Nancy Ann and Truman's gggrandfather Eli Edmund were oldest sister and youngest brother with 20+ years separating them. That makes us third cousins once removed.

I don't know if that's good or bad, but it sure explains a lot about my family.  ;-)

Love ya, Granny Nannie Annie!