Monday, June 6, 2016

Nannie Annie Is my granny!

Whoop! Whoop!

As you can tell, I've long had a theory that my great-great-great grandmother Nancy Ann Hendrix/Hendricks/Hendrex who married James A. Eddins/Edins is the daughter of Peter Hendrix and Elizabeth Gibson. 

You can look at my theory here:

and here:

and here:

Right up front you should know there's no paper trail to prove it. No marriage license, no death certificate, not even a family story. Nancy's name was not mentioned in Tobias Hendrix's will, which states other children of Peter Hendrix. Lack of her name in the will proves nothing. One of my other 3rd great-grandfathers was not named in a will, even though legal documents proved who he was. Lack of name mention could mean that the child was disowned or that the child had already received his/her share of the inheritance. 

My entire Nancy Annie = Grannie theory was based on circumstantial evidence, such as:

  • Nancy's first son named Peter

  • Nancy's children named after people in the Hendrix family, such as Simeon, Aaron, Dolly, Elizabeth

  • Nancy's widow's application for the War of 1812

Until now there's been no direct evidence that Nancy belonged to Peter and Elizabeth. 

Until now. 

My fragrant cousin the DNA expert wrote this message to me this morning:

"Got a message from a cousin on 23andMe this morning. She's on Gedmatch too (Mxxxxxx), and matches me where E. F. does (Axxxxx...). She has Peter Hendrix and Elizabeth Gibson in her line, and has Tobias Hendrix/Margaret Sprenckel on her tree twice. Her tree is on Ancestry.....Our cousin Jimmy matches there too. Whoop! Triangulation! :)"

Triangulation provides likely proof that Ancestor X is yours, but the odds go up substantially when there are four or more people who match at the same segment, even if it's small. From

  • Small segments CAN be triangulated to a particular ancestor. Triangulated in this sense means that this segment is found in the descendants of a group of people (3 or more) proven to descend from the same ancestor AND who all match each other on the same segment.

Four people, four matches. Now that she's found that spot, my fragrant cousin may be able to ID other people related to us through the Hendrixes. 

Whoop! Whoop!

Incidentally, this also confirms that Truman Capote is our cousin. My ggggrandmother Nancy Ann and Truman's gggrandfather Eli Edmund were oldest sister and youngest brother with 20+ years separating them. That makes us third cousins once removed.

I don't know if that's good or bad, but it sure explains a lot about my family.  ;-)

Love ya, Granny Nannie Annie!

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